Two weeks ago my cousin was hit by a car as she was crossing the street on a green light, and a car was making a turn. She ended up with a fractured skull, a broken leg, and the inability to work for months. So my grievance is, GIVE PEDESTRIANS THE RIGHT OF WAY THEY LEGALLY HAVE.
Annoying when someone races into a roundabout without slowing when traffic is already circulating. Equally as annoying when someone in front of me misses their turn to enter the roundabout and I have to wait while everyone else gets to go.
Amen. There’s a crazy intersection out here that really needs a roundabout but the way people drive maybe it’s best to be a bunch of detours on side streets.
All of these are spot-on. I drove a rented van home from the airport last July that had the automatic headlight dimmer, and it was definitely neat, but every time I met a car I got anxiety for the split second it took for the bright to go off.
I hate people who don't use their signal, and I think I have even more the people who just have to pass in a passing lane, like we're in a race nobody told me about. I'm going the speed limit, but we hit that passing lane and I'm suddenly going far too slow. What's worse is when they get up right beside me and then refuse to actually go fast enough to complete the pass, so we reach the end of the passing lane, and I have to hit my brakes so they don't just merge into me.
If nothing else, this post has justified my annual subscription! I love you for the headlights part, in particular. I've only just learned that my prescription glasses can now be given a blue-blocker filter. This has been the most effective filter I've found for dodging the headlight torture. If these people are so blind that they need these lights, they should not be driving at night!
today some a$shat in a tesla wanted my parking spot at the bougie grocery store, so as i backed out, he pulled forward so he blocked the middle of the (hallway? what do you call the lane between rows of cars?)... then as i backed up he PULLED FORWARD forcing me to reverse more (there was another person behind me), i mouthed and hand waved 'wtfareyoudoingletmego,' and he pulled forward MORE so i almost backed into the person behind me, and when i tried to pull forward and to the right to get around him bc my car is tiny (honda fit)(orange bc of course it is), he blocked me fully by swinging WIDER so he could angle into my spot better... so he parked before i could even get passed my own spot. just. WHY. why be a dic for no reason. this holiday season ppl are the worst drivers i've ever seen. it's nonsense.
Two weeks ago my cousin was hit by a car as she was crossing the street on a green light, and a car was making a turn. She ended up with a fractured skull, a broken leg, and the inability to work for months. So my grievance is, GIVE PEDESTRIANS THE RIGHT OF WAY THEY LEGALLY HAVE.
This happened to my friend a year ago. Like exactly this.
Annoying when someone races into a roundabout without slowing when traffic is already circulating. Equally as annoying when someone in front of me misses their turn to enter the roundabout and I have to wait while everyone else gets to go.
Amen. There’s a crazy intersection out here that really needs a roundabout but the way people drive maybe it’s best to be a bunch of detours on side streets.
All of these are spot-on. I drove a rented van home from the airport last July that had the automatic headlight dimmer, and it was definitely neat, but every time I met a car I got anxiety for the split second it took for the bright to go off.
I hate people who don't use their signal, and I think I have even more the people who just have to pass in a passing lane, like we're in a race nobody told me about. I'm going the speed limit, but we hit that passing lane and I'm suddenly going far too slow. What's worse is when they get up right beside me and then refuse to actually go fast enough to complete the pass, so we reach the end of the passing lane, and I have to hit my brakes so they don't just merge into me.
If nothing else, this post has justified my annual subscription! I love you for the headlights part, in particular. I've only just learned that my prescription glasses can now be given a blue-blocker filter. This has been the most effective filter I've found for dodging the headlight torture. If these people are so blind that they need these lights, they should not be driving at night!
today some a$shat in a tesla wanted my parking spot at the bougie grocery store, so as i backed out, he pulled forward so he blocked the middle of the (hallway? what do you call the lane between rows of cars?)... then as i backed up he PULLED FORWARD forcing me to reverse more (there was another person behind me), i mouthed and hand waved 'wtfareyoudoingletmego,' and he pulled forward MORE so i almost backed into the person behind me, and when i tried to pull forward and to the right to get around him bc my car is tiny (honda fit)(orange bc of course it is), he blocked me fully by swinging WIDER so he could angle into my spot better... so he parked before i could even get passed my own spot. just. WHY. why be a dic for no reason. this holiday season ppl are the worst drivers i've ever seen. it's nonsense.
Since COVID it feels like there’s been an uptick in unnecessary aggression, a lot of it involving cars. I wrote this several years ago.
Difficult People 101, Part 5: Road Rage to Road Sage | Psychology Today