i was so nervous/relieved when i heard he dropped out - then immediately had some hope/relief when he endorsed VP Harris with a heavy dose of "but is the racism/misogyny going to win again?" - then as the days kept coming and every day brought a new set of seriously good and exciting endorsements - the relief was making me tear up more than once a day - and the first ad with Freedom? omg. LET'S GOOOOOOO. Having some hope and genuine excitement about a political candidate for the first time in years is terrifying, but holycrapenergizing too.

so yeah let's hear about anything you are interested in, olympics, people being great, nonsense, whatever. yay. :)

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The vibes have officially shifted; I'm loving it, and I'm glad you are, too. To give you an answer to your question, other than the Olympics, I'm watching the new Batman show, and it's great.

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