The honesty, the transparency, the underlying optimism... This letter is a fantastic snap shot of moment in time right now. I'm so glad you're here Akilah! <3
I remember Nick Nolte's face in Down and Out in Beverly Hills, even if I can't remember what happened in the movie. But see - you'd be homeless like Nick Nolte , and even though he looks perfect as a homeless guy, he's still NICK NOLTE, and you'd still be AKILAH HUGHES! Yeah, I suppose that isn't much comfort. I suck at giving comfort to people. Usually I try to one-up their misery. I mean, I saw a video that looked real of you sitting next to Idris Elba, and you both seemed to be having a damn good time. Tape a picture of that onto the shopping cart you acquire for your new home. And every time you look at it, as you're pushing your shopping cart down the street, think of Nick Nolte. Or think of Idris Elba - I don't know - it's your fantasy - go with it!
Thank you! Since posting this last night I’ve gotten really inspired to have a place to put my creativity in the meantime. My therapist always says, “The tide will come back in” so I’m trying to enjoy the surf in the meantime.
Out of work in L.A. right with ya, waiting for auditions (what are those again?)! This piece is fantastic and here for the community, online or IRL if needed 🤗
Welcome back to the streets! I genuinely love it here on Substack. I think you will too ❤️
The honesty, the transparency, the underlying optimism... This letter is a fantastic snap shot of moment in time right now. I'm so glad you're here Akilah! <3
Thank you! Hoping we can all look back on now and see that we’ve come so far!
I’m so happy I discovered this. You’re far too talented to not move beyond the stacks, but while you’re here I’m happy to be in your internet space
I remember Nick Nolte's face in Down and Out in Beverly Hills, even if I can't remember what happened in the movie. But see - you'd be homeless like Nick Nolte , and even though he looks perfect as a homeless guy, he's still NICK NOLTE, and you'd still be AKILAH HUGHES! Yeah, I suppose that isn't much comfort. I suck at giving comfort to people. Usually I try to one-up their misery. I mean, I saw a video that looked real of you sitting next to Idris Elba, and you both seemed to be having a damn good time. Tape a picture of that onto the shopping cart you acquire for your new home. And every time you look at it, as you're pushing your shopping cart down the street, think of Nick Nolte. Or think of Idris Elba - I don't know - it's your fantasy - go with it!
We love you Akilah!
Yay! Welcome to the club!! So excited to follow along!
I’m rooting for you!!!
Thank you! Since posting this last night I’ve gotten really inspired to have a place to put my creativity in the meantime. My therapist always says, “The tide will come back in” so I’m trying to enjoy the surf in the meantime.
Out of work in L.A. right with ya, waiting for auditions (what are those again?)! This piece is fantastic and here for the community, online or IRL if needed 🤗
Unfiltered Akilah is a gift and one of the reasons I’m always rooting for you!