So Much for Noble Steed
The dems and their media ecosystem are making a grave error in casting Black women aside and demonizing us as "woke" in favor a fictitious "middle."
The first nearly 3 minutes of this Shrek clip is what I’m referring to with the title of this essay. Dems were elated when Kamala became the nominee, shouting me down immediately on Twitter and podcasts (Kara Swisher does not deserve to make more money than me) when I warned that white people will not support her.

And the cheers for Black people stepping up and getting out the vote were loud, but when it ultimately didn’t go the way dem media wanted it to go, we (the only demographic that bothered to vote the correct way) were called “the problem.”

The media’s backlash to “wokeness” is unsurprising. Suddenly this ill-defined, all-encompassing term for essentially “making people feel included” and “being anything other than a straight white man” is why Kamala Harris lost the election. Kamala was the great multi-racial feminine hope until she lost and our media class yeeted her off that glass cliff. In Shrek, when the titular Shrek saves Fiona but is still in disguise, she sees him as a valiant prince rescuing her with his noble steed. When it’s revealed that he’s an ogre (hard R), and everyone knows how the world feels about ogres, all that extended goodwill gets revoked and Donkey is insulted as simply “his pet.” Donkey quips, “So much for noble steed…”
Never mind that VP Harris ran on strong military, borders, and “I have a glock” —her very presence means she was “woke.” If there is a sociological term for the phenomenon where no matter what a Black person says it’s construed as “extremely far left,” I’d love to hear it.
I have experienced this personally. Black women are often misunderstood, simply because people’s insane bias makes us impossible to hear clearly. Kamala’s only guilty of “identity politics” because she has an identity outside of being a white man.
Let’s be clear, white men are an identity and their politics won. If you don’t think ignoring the climate, entitlement to unearned privilege, bitter grievance, less than a baseline of understanding of how the government works, and foolishly high belief in one’s ability to fix the problems they create isn’t part of white male identity, I beg you to literally go outside. Go to a restaurant. Get your coins trapped in a vending machine. Drive down a highway. Wait in a line at any event.
Donald Trump only won this election because he is white. You can’t name a single Black person who could even be the nominee, much less win an election with several baby mamas, rape charges, fraud charges, felonies, bankruptcies etc., The media is running themselves ragged explaining why Kamala’s campaign was bad, but Donald Trump got shot by his own supporters, swayed for an hour to music, rambled incoherently, and had zero ground game in turning out the vote. Kamala’s name being “hard to pronounce” was her crime. He is a criminal, but there are a million ways white people in the media have come up with to excuse it. Let’s not reflect on why a country ultimately voted for the guy who had 1 million Americans die on his watch during the height of the covid pandemic while he was shoveling tests and PPE to our adversary, Russia.

And since the election, Trump-supporting politicians and influencers have dropped the mask. They say that they hate fat people. They’re saying, “your body, my choice,” which is a rape threat…Saying that they don’t like trans people and won’t respect them. They do not want a Black person in Hollywood to ever be on screen again *personal, guttural sigh*. They want to be able to discriminate against people for their hair texture. But the answer is…we have to continue being nice and try to convince them even while they hurl slurs at us??
Well this is as much the media’s fault as any of us “woke” individuals. All we did was exist, and all they did was fail to defend our right to. Maybe that’s what’s funniest about this overblown response to the election: Democratic establishment lying to themselves about how much they actually ever publicly and loudly supported anyone darker than a paper bag. Still waiting on the VRA. Oh, was this election loss the last straw? The democratic media stopped covering covid the moment studies suggested it affected minorities worse. They interviewed swing voters who all, ultimately, voted for Trump instead of interviewing any Black families affected by the reversal of affirmative action and book bans and the criminalization of teaching American history as it happened because it hurts the white kids feelings.
They let Michael Barbaro hmmmm through interview after interview about “cancel culture” even though our new president is a rapist appointing rapists. They allowed both-sides grifters on every show to look “balanced.” They let mania about CRT and DEI masquerade as genuine problems while shying away from ever even acknowledging racism in any meaningful way. They lamented the phrase “defund the police” while failing to acknowledge that police budgets have only gotten higher, and interrogating why that hasn’t stopped crime. They filled their primetime hours with tales of trans-panic while completely ignoring that trans people’s life expectancy is shamefully low because of other groups predilection for murdering them.
If “woke” is dead, and we have to push away from it (which is the exact wrong, lesson, but the media seems so intent on learning it), then I think the media needs to apply that thinking equally to the parties. No more hand-holding republicans while we scold dems. Allow us to play just as dirty.
For starters, the Trump campaign and surrogates routinely called Kamala Harris “low IQ.” How about the punditry class be honest about why they don’t go after Barron Trump? Do you think the reason Trump doesn’t care about dismantling the Department of Education and effectively killing special education for millions of kids is because Barron has finally aged out of those classes? Wouldn’t it be “woke” to not just say it like it is?
RFK Jr. is not a scientist and frankly looks and sounds like he has loads of diseases. A more sensitive me before the election would tread lightly on what is obviously a medical issue for the man, but now? Let’s play fair. Why would we trust someone who presents that way to lead HHS? If he was Black and appeared in public yelling about how sunscreen is bad for you and pasteurization (a scientific miracle) is worse than chugging the raw milk bacteria hellbent on killing you, you’d have no problem hiding behind “meritocracy” and shouting his Black ass down. Why don’t you show a bunch of kids in wheelchairs any time we have to hear about his stance on vaccines? It seems too polite not to, and frankly, isn’t a key component of “wokeness” a tendency towards respecting others? Let’s just say it like it is.
Matt Gaetz raped a teenager. Trump wanted him for Attorney General. (Thankfully the creep pulled out, knowing that the report being released would ruin his lousy life). Use the term “rape” use the term “trafficked.” It’s “woke” to split hairs over this. I don’t care how he actually identifies.
I think the real lesson in this election was that Republicans go so low they can see up a snake’s asshole, and democrats are both supposed to be gentle with them and also be berated for extending their kindness politics to marginalized groups. If that’s really how you feel, then let’s go low. Let’s all go to hell. If we are never going to hold republicans to the high standards we hold ourselves to, then the standard has to go.
This is all so enraging,
If I hear (or read) one more pundit lament the fact that the Harris-Walz campaign didn’t address ‘working class’ issues, I am going to lose it. They did - at every bloody event and in every interview.
But, these folks are also the first people to swear up and down that misogyny and racism played absolutely no part in the election outcome. We know, of course, how it played out: Trump got about the same number of votes as last time, and Democratic votes dropped by 7-8 million. This was no red shift, bigoted dems stayed home.
a-fking-men. finding myself either ranting in meetings, or simmering silently in rage so i don't get fired, those are my two speeds lately. i get momentary clarity when my patients or my friends' kids ask me things. giving them perspective and work to do is the only thing giving me forward momentum rn.